Everyone in the world should have the right to a house and a job
There is a lot of people today with no house and no job, this is a very big problem today because that make the people be homeless and to ask for money on the streets, sometimes this is a problem of the people that is lazy, but this are just a little portion of the cases, normally there is no job for everyone, and that is the problem we as a society have to fix, also the houses are expensive, even the less expensive is still expensive, if you don’t work, how can you afford for a house?
One of the principal problems is the school, as long as we don’t have a good enough education the problem of work will persist and not cease, unless we can make everyone study a career, and have a job.That is another problem, sometimes the people study and they can’t find a right job for their career, and finish working in a place they were not supposed to be, like a cafe or a fast food place, normally if you don’t study you work here, but the people who don’t find job and did studied end there.
I have never been in a situation like that but i think it is very difficult, if you don’t have a house, and you don’t have a job, what do you do?, how do you survive?, i suppouse there is always a way, with effort, you can look for something that generate money, but still, you can’t get enough money to buy a house. This is also an economic problem, because there is very rich people and very poor people, so we need to find a balance of rich and poor people, but the rich people don’t really care.
In conclusion the problem of having no house and no job, it’s a social and economic problem, economic for the excess of money the rich people have and the money that some people don’t have, social because we just buy thing that make the rich people more rich, and we don’t buy at local stores to support the local economy.
There is a lot of people today with no house and no job, this is a very big problem today because that make the people be homeless and to ask for money on the streets, sometimes this is a problem of the people that is lazy, but this are just a little portion of the cases, normally there is no job for everyone, and that is the problem we as a society have to fix, also the houses are expensive, even the less expensive is still expensive, if you don’t work, how can you afford for a house?
One of the principal problems is the school, as long as we don’t have a good enough education the problem of work will persist and not cease, unless we can make everyone study a career, and have a job.That is another problem, sometimes the people study and they can’t find a right job for their career, and finish working in a place they were not supposed to be, like a cafe or a fast food place, normally if you don’t study you work here, but the people who don’t find job and did studied end there.
I have never been in a situation like that but i think it is very difficult, if you don’t have a house, and you don’t have a job, what do you do?, how do you survive?, i suppouse there is always a way, with effort, you can look for something that generate money, but still, you can’t get enough money to buy a house. This is also an economic problem, because there is very rich people and very poor people, so we need to find a balance of rich and poor people, but the rich people don’t really care.
In conclusion the problem of having no house and no job, it’s a social and economic problem, economic for the excess of money the rich people have and the money that some people don’t have, social because we just buy thing that make the rich people more rich, and we don’t buy at local stores to support the local economy.
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